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// Amen // muhahahahahaha // [: cyanpjhase // blakee@rovoscape.com // #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <float.h> #include <windows.h> #include "../MachineInterface.h" #include "../dsplib/dsplib.h" #include "resource.h" // for zee dialogs #pragma optimize ("awy", on) //___________________________________________________________________ // // Parameters and gruelling machine paperwork starts here //___________________________________________________________________ CMachineParameter const paraTempo = { pt_byte, "Loop Length", "Loop Length", 1, 0xFE, 0xFF, MPF_STATE, 16 }; CMachineParameter const paraTrigger = { pt_switch, "Loop (1 on\\reset, 0 off)", "Loop (1 on\\reset, 0 off)", -1, -1, SWITCH_NO, 0, 0 }; CMachineParameter const paraFTrigger = { pt_switch, "Filter Trigger", "Filter Trigger", -1, -1, SWITCH_NO, 0, 0 }; CMachineParameter const paraCutoff = { pt_byte, "F: Cutoff", "F: Cutoff", 1, 0xFE, 0xFF, MPF_STATE, 0x7F }; CMachineParameter const paraResonance = { pt_byte, "F: Resonance", "F: Resonance", 1, 0xFE, 0xFF, MPF_STATE, 0x7F }; CMachineParameter const paraEnvMod = { pt_byte, "F: EnvMod", "F: EnvMod", 1, 0xFE, 0xFF, MPF_STATE, 0x7F }; CMachineParameter const paraDecay = { pt_byte, "F: Decay", "F: Decay", 1, 0xFE, 0xFF, MPF_STATE, 0x7F }; CMachineParameter const paraFType = { pt_byte, "F: Type", "F: Type", 0, 4, 0xFF, MPF_STATE, 0 }; CMachineParameter const *pParameters[] = { ¶Trigger, ¶FTrigger, ¶Tempo, ¶Cutoff, ¶Resonance, ¶EnvMod, ¶Decay, ¶FType }; CMachineAttribute const *pAttributes[] = { NULL }; #pragma pack(1) class gvals { public: byte trig; byte ftrig; byte tempo; byte cutoff; byte resonance; byte envmod; byte decay; byte ftype; }; #pragma pack() CMachineInfo const MacInfo = { MT_GENERATOR, MI_VERSION, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, pParameters, 0, pAttributes, "SuperDonut Ultimate Drum", "Amen", "Doughnuts and ReBirth", "about" }; class mi : public CMachineInterface { public: mi(); virtual ~mi(); virtual void Tick(); virtual void Stop(); virtual void Init(CMachineDataInput * const pi); virtual bool Work(float *psamples, int numsamples, int const mode); virtual char const *DescribeValue(int const param, int const value); virtual void Command(int const i); virtual void refilt(); public: CMachine *ThisMachine; int icnt; int out; double looplen; double loopn; gvals gval; float current_cutoff; float current_resonance; float envmod; float decay; int current_filter; float coefsTab1[5]; float ax1,ay1,ax2,ay2; float bx1,by1,bx2,by2; float filtpoint; float lcutoff; }; DLL_EXPORTS mi::mi() { GlobalVals = &gval; } mi::~mi() { } #include "amenshit.h" void mi::refilt() { float omega, sn, cs, alpha; float a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2; if (lcutoff < 30.0f) { lcutoff = 30.0f; }; if (lcutoff > 7000.0f) { lcutoff = 7000.0f; }; switch (current_filter) { case 0: coefsTab1[0] = 1.0f; coefsTab1[1] = 0.0f; coefsTab1[2] = 0.0f; coefsTab1[3] = 0.0f; coefsTab1[4] = 0.0f; break; case 1: // LPx2 omega = 2.0f * PI * lcutoff / (pMasterInfo->SamplesPerSec); sn = (float)sin ( omega); cs = (float)cos ( omega); alpha = sn / (current_resonance / 2.0f); b0 = (1.0f - cs) / 2.0f; b1 = 1.0f - cs; b2 = (1.0f - cs) / 2.0f; a0 = 1.0f + alpha; a1 = -2.0f * cs; a2 = 1.0f - alpha; coefsTab1[0] = b0/a0; coefsTab1[1] = b1/a0; coefsTab1[2] = b2/a0; coefsTab1[3] = -a1/a0; coefsTab1[4] = -a2/a0; break; case 2:// HPx2 omega = 2.0f * PI * lcutoff / (pMasterInfo->SamplesPerSec); sn = (float)sin ( omega); cs = (float)cos ( omega); alpha = sn / (current_resonance / 2.0f); b0 = (1.0f + cs) / 2.0f; b1 = -(1.0f + cs); b2 = (1.0f + cs) / 2.0f; a0 = 1.0f + alpha; a1 = -2.0f * cs; a2 = 1.0f - alpha; coefsTab1[0] = b0/a0; coefsTab1[1] = b1/a0; coefsTab1[2] = b2/a0; coefsTab1[3] = -a1/a0; coefsTab1[4] = -a2/a0; break; case 3: // BPx2 omega = 2.0f * PI * lcutoff / (pMasterInfo->SamplesPerSec); sn = (float)sin ( omega); cs = (float)cos ( omega); alpha = sn * sinh((current_resonance / 2.0) * omega / sn); b0 = alpha; b1 = 0.0f; b2 = -alpha; a0 = 1.0f + alpha; a1 = -2.0f * cs; a2 = 1.0f - alpha; coefsTab1[0] = b0/a0; coefsTab1[1] = b1/a0; coefsTab1[2] = b2/a0; coefsTab1[3] = -a1/a0; coefsTab1[4] = -a2/a0; break; case 4: // Notchx2 omega = 2.0f * PI * lcutoff / (pMasterInfo->SamplesPerSec); sn = (float)sin ( omega); cs = (float)cos ( omega); alpha = sn * sinh( (current_resonance/8.0) * omega / sn); b0 = 1.0f; b1 = -2.0f * cs; b2 = 1.0f; a0 = 1.0f + alpha; a1 = -2.0f * cs; a2 = 1.0f - alpha; coefsTab1[0] = b0/a0; coefsTab1[1] = b1/a0; coefsTab1[2] = b2/a0; coefsTab1[3] = -a1/a0; coefsTab1[4] = -a2/a0; break; default: break; }; }; void mi::Init(CMachineDataInput * const pi) { // Init code ThisMachine = pCB->GetThisMachine(); loopn = 0.0; looplen = 16.0; out = 0; current_cutoff = 11000.0f; current_resonance = 13.0f; lcutoff = 11000.0f; icnt = 0; coefsTab1[0] = 0.0f; coefsTab1[1] = 0.0f; coefsTab1[2] = 0.0f; coefsTab1[3] = 0.0f; coefsTab1[4] = 0.0f; ax1=ay1=ax2=ay2 = 0.0f; bx1=by1=bx2=by2 = 0.0f; envmod = 0; decay = 0; filtpoint = 1.0f; // copy of mi::Tick here if (gval.tempo != 0xFF) { looplen = (double)gval.tempo; }; if (gval.cutoff != 0xFF) current_cutoff = ((float)gval.cutoff / 254.0f * 8000.0f) + 20.0f; if (gval.resonance != 0xFF) current_resonance = ((float)gval.resonance / 254.0f * 25.0f) + 0.5f; if (gval.envmod != 0xFF) envmod = ((float)gval.envmod / 254.0f); if (gval.decay != 0xFF) decay = (float)((254-gval.decay)+1)/12800.0f; if (gval.ftype != 0xFF) current_filter = gval.ftype; } void mi::Tick() { if (gval.tempo != 0xFF) { looplen = (double)gval.tempo; }; if (gval.trig != SWITCH_NO) { if (gval.trig == SWITCH_ON) { loopn = 0.0; out = 1; }; if (gval.trig == SWITCH_OFF) { loopn = 0.0; out = 0; }; } if (gval.ftrig != SWITCH_NO) { if (gval.ftrig == SWITCH_ON) filtpoint = 0.0f; } if (gval.cutoff != 0xFF) current_cutoff = ((float)gval.cutoff / 254.0f * 8000.0f) + 20.0f; if (gval.resonance != 0xFF) current_resonance = ((float)gval.resonance / 254.0f * 25.0f) + 0.5f; if (gval.envmod != 0xFF) envmod = ((float)gval.envmod / 254.0f); if (gval.decay != 0xFF) decay = (float)((254-gval.decay)+1)/12800.0f; if (gval.ftype != 0xFF) current_filter = gval.ftype; } bool mi::Work(float *psamples, int numsamples, int const mode) { double const ad2i = (1.5 * (1 << 26) * (1 << 26)); double magicres; float curfrac; int i, rVal; unsigned int ucursamp; float forout, xm1, x0, x1, x2, y; if (out == 0) return false; double speedstep = ((double)pMasterInfo->BeatsPerMin / 135.0) * ((double)pMasterInfo->TicksPerBeat / 4.0) * (16.0 / looplen); for (i = 0; i < numsamples; i++){ // basic (CSI) resampler magicres = (loopn - 0.5) + ad2i; rVal = *(int *)&magicres; ucursamp = (unsigned int)(rVal) + 1u; curfrac = (float)(loopn - (double)rVal); xm1 = (float)(amen[ucursamp - 1u]); x0 = (float)(amen[ucursamp]); x1 = (float)(amen[ucursamp + 1u]); x2 = (float)(amen[ucursamp + 2u]); forout = ((((3.0f * (x0 - x1) - xm1 + x2) * 0.5f * curfrac) + 2.0f * x1 + xm1 - (5.0f * x0 + x2) * 0.5f) * curfrac + (x1 - xm1) * 0.5f) * curfrac + x0; // Filter Shit (tm) icnt++; if (icnt > 100) { filtpoint = filtpoint + decay; if (filtpoint > 1.0f) { filtpoint = 1.0f; }; lcutoff = current_cutoff + (envmod * current_cutoff) - (envmod * (current_cutoff * filtpoint)); refilt(); icnt = 0; } y = coefsTab1[0] * forout + coefsTab1[1] * ax1 + coefsTab1[2] * ax2 + coefsTab1[3] * ay1 + coefsTab1[4] * ay2; ay2 = ay1; ay1 = y; ax2 = ax1; ax1 = forout; forout = y; y = coefsTab1[0] * forout + coefsTab1[1] * bx1 + coefsTab1[2] * bx2 + coefsTab1[3] * by1 + coefsTab1[4] * by2; by2 = by1; by1 = y; bx2 = bx1; bx1 = forout; forout = y; // output *psamples++ = forout; // step shit loopn += speedstep; if (loopn > 78387.0f) loopn -= 78387.0f; } return true; } void mi::Stop() { out = 0; } char const *mi::DescribeValue(int const param, int const value) { static char txt[16]; switch(param) { case 0: // triggers case 1: return NULL; break; case 2: sprintf(txt, "%i ticks", value); return txt; break; case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: sprintf(txt, "%.1f%%", ((float)value / 2.54f)); return txt; break; case 7: switch (value) { case 0: return ("none"); case 1: return ("24dB LP"); case 2: return ("24dB HP"); case 3: return ("BP"); case 4: return ("Notch"); default: return NULL; } default: return NULL; break; }; } HINSTANCE dllInstance; mi *g_mi; BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( HANDLE hModule, DWORD fwdreason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { switch (fwdreason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: dllInstance = (HINSTANCE) hModule; break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; } return TRUE; } BOOL APIENTRY AboutDialog(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { char txt[10000]; sprintf (txt, "[01:52] *** sine909 (~sine909@ has joined #buzz"); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n[01:52] <sine909> you are all homo homo",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n[01:52] *** sine909 (~sine909@ Quit (Client Quit)",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n___________________________________________________________________________",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n Nick # Random Quote ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n1 bignicca 378 \"clatter: that cant be helped. our whole society is based on resources.\"",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n2 canc3r 314 \"I think its mostly self explanatory\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n3 cyanpjh 251 \"almost shitiest on earth\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n4 setzer_ 238 \"it 'twas a phat break\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n5 clatter 141 \"I had a Tandy Colour Computer in 1984 or 5\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n6 clarion 134 \"Maestro: i'm pretty nifty with networking\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n7 wiz|coala 131 \"the pop culture is doomed\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n8 Uksi 117 \"clarion, i went back to nyc for spring break, had tons of stuff to do...\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n9 djlaser 113 \"canc3r did you checked my last ep\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n10 Mute 76 \"my first computer was a 8086\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n11 djboo 72 \"i hope clatter likes it\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n12 fsm0 64 \"if it was bad, nobody would listen to it\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n13 Mva 59 \"Boo: how is the Vinyl going?\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n14 melo 58 \"wish i had a tape recorder or mic for that live show...\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n15 Bul 58 \"clarakow : say what??\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n16 MrE\\Bull 56 \"canc3er: Wanna hear sompthing from me ?\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n17 Belve 54 \"battery is really good\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n18 soul_man 51 \"im iam good buzz?? haha\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n19 klaraCow 50 \"CCS took over #audiowarez ? ;)\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n20 DocBexter 47 \"he said trackers are shit...\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n21 fhobia 45 \"minibuzz ?\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n22 MistahE 43 \"He bul what ya gonna do tonight\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n23 discharge 39 \"klaracow: are you done drilling oskari's holes?\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n24 boo-pso 37 \"i hopes u likes it :)\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n25 _phi 35 \"I'd rather go to quadra island and get really stoned\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n26 |BaRoN1| 33 \"can you recommend on a structure .... like\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n27 Socrates 28 \"so much work.... so little desire to do it\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n28 acid1 23 \"i must have talked for about an hour after that question\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n29 Vectrex 22 \"what's it for rather\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n30 techrush 22 \"you pig fucking little shit face\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n31 KarahaNa 22 \"so... where do i get this matlide tracker?\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n32 SevOPT 20 \"well i'm not makin friends with assholes\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n33 hwm 20 \"retards can marry & have sex if they aren't minors here now...\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\nChanged by New topic ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n_phi \"<melo> can i have ops? i want to kick karahana\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\nclatter \"<cyanpjh> ... highway of doom weather\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\nclatter \"she'd get a mouthfull of man bloob\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\ncanc3r \"<klaraCow> oh me stupid ass\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\ncyanpjh \"*** oskari (oskari@dsl-hki2-153.dial.inet.fi) has joined #trax\" ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\nTotal number of topics during the reporting period: 10",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\nBig Numbers",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\nBelve couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined #buzz.20010324 7 times during this reporting period.. ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\nclatter really wanted others to know what was doing - 8 descriptions alltogether. ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n Sample:",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n [12:36] * clatter wonders if he can DJ mix for 2 hours strait without fumbling a beat ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\nKarahaNa didn't get it on the first time and got kicked out for 4 times... ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n Sample: ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n [13:11] <KarahaNa> all i asked is a simple question..... and u dumbass dont know how to answer it.... u call ur self an ... ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n [13:17] *** KarahaNa was kicked by melo (i love you) ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\ncanc3r knew what to say and said \"Kick\" for 4 times. ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\ncyanpjh gave most ops - actually 14 of them. ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\nUksi had many things uncertain - 21% of lines contained a question. ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n ..and silver medal goes to wiz|coala - with question ratio of 14%. ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\nbignicca spoke most monologues - wrote over 5 lines in a row for 9 times.. ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\nUksi wrote longest lines - average of 43 letters per line. ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n Average line length on #buzz.20010324 was 28 letters. ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n.:[> > > 303.org/buzz/ ]:.",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n___________________________________________________________________________",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n<Jukashi> hey where can i get some samples for fruityloops? ",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n<+midisax> www'generalmills.com",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n<Jukashi> um",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n<Jukashi> no",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n<+midisax> oh thats lucky charms",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n<+midisax> www.kellogs.com",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n<amr0> yap",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n<Jukashi> :|",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n<+midisax> kelloggs",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n<+midisax> send 20 boxtops to:",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n<+midisax> fruityloops",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n<+midisax> 214623 CR 5 #4",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n<+midisax> battle creek",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n<+midisax> eeeek im being less than a help",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n___________________________________________________________________________",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n.:[the super doughnutz are watching u]:.",txt); sprintf (txt, "%s\r\n",txt); SetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDC_EDIT1,txt); return 1; } case WM_SHOWWINDOW: return 1; case WM_CLOSE: EndDialog (hDlg, TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: switch ( LOWORD (wParam)) { case IDOK: EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return 1; default: return 0; } break; } return 0; } void mi::Command(int const i) { switch (i) { case 0: g_mi=this; DialogBox(dllInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE (IDD_AMENABOUT), GetForegroundWindow(), (DLGPROC) &AboutDialog); break; default: break; } }